Animal Yoga with Heather Cherisse brings calm and mindfulness among students and teachers

2 min readAug 5, 2023


Connected North Impact Series blog prepared by Jennifer Corriero

“When I slow down, and become really aware of my breath, that it has profound impacts on my every day life” explains Yoga instructor Heather Cherisse who has been working with Connected North as a content provider since 2018. She is a member of the Tsilhqo’tin First Nation and describes the importance of yoga practice as a way to support wellbeing.

It allows us to heal ourselves. Heal our mental selves, our emotional selves, our physical selves. It brings our mind home to our body. It teaches us to learn to respond to situations rather than react. To regulate our emotions, to calm and ease anxiety enhance our confidence and overall wellbeing.” Heather Cherisse

Her Yoga for youth programs including Animal Yoga and Yoga for Mental Health are often booked in a series by teachers as students respond very well to her calming approach.

“Heather was wonderful. She led us through a series of exercises which the students found relaxing and helpful.” — Connected North Teacher

There are many benefits to yoga as it contributes to wellbeing for students both individually and as a classroom community where increased emotional awareness can enhance interactions between children. These sessions have been fun and beneficial.

“My students really enjoy the animal noises with the yoga poses and the breathing exercises. Qujannamiik Heather!” — Connected North Teacher

“I think youth all over the world deserve this. I dream of a world where all of our children know how to mediate, how to breathe and how to bring their mind home to their body.” Heather



We empower youth to understand and act on the world’s greatest challenges.